Parent-Teacher meetings

"escuela de padres" “Parental school”

Pursuing the goal of a comprehensive education requires a close collaboration and a regular exchange with the parents. Hence, parents take part in the meetings – “escuela de padres” – from Urpi Wasi in which school current issues are discussed. The parental talks are prepared and supervised by the institution internal psychologist and the respective class teacher.

In “escuela de padres” subjects from school lessons of children are often treated. In this way it is possible to introduce new structures, rules and basic values in concrete terms at home. Typical subjects are the everyday hygiene, the deferential contact together, conflict resolution, punctuality and also health and domestic violence.

Literacy courses for adults

About one third of the mothers are illiterate persons. Urpi Wasi offers yearly alphabetization courses for beginners and for advancers. The courses take place in each case in the evening and provide grounding in writing, basic mathematics and general knowledge.

It is very pleasing to observe that the participants of these courses exert themselves in the evening with engagement and interest. Reading and writing helps mothers to conduct their everyday life with more self-confidence. The knowledge serves to strengthen the self-confidence of women, which will affect in the long term the whole family.

During the course the children are cared for. And so, after a long day, they don't have to worry about cooking, there is always a small snack after the course.

Computer skills course

A basic commputer skills course for adults is also offered annually.

Taylor shop

The Urpi Wasi taylor shop is equipped with sewing machines. The orange school uniform of the pupils is produced by a group of mothers themselves. They teach each other how to sew.